Customer feedback: blown away
29th Jul 2016

We’ve been blown away by the brilliant feedback from Yellow Buses customers. Below is a collection of reviews and comments from happy app users.
From Yellow Buses customers on Facebook:
“I’m genuinely impressed. It’s got almost everything I would hope for, in what seems to be in an intuitive and sensible layout I’m sure as I use it more I’ll find some gripes but so far, it’s really very good. Respect to all involved”
“I love it. Best app on my phone at the moment.”
“Just downloaded the update and I’m really very impressed. Lots of useful, easy to navigate features and a wider range of tickets. Excellent work, guys.”
“Straight forward and easy to use, QUALITY !”
From one of our lovely pilot testers:
“I am so happy the Passenger app is now part of the Move app! I love it!”
From an app store reviewer:
“Usually apps like this are either hopelessly lacking in features and functionality or they have more bugs than a sewage treatment plant on a warm summer’s evening. This app is excellent. The devs have obviously put a considerable amount of time and thought into what information is important and how best to deliver it. There are still things it could do better but considering what it was before the last major update, it’s definitely worth 5 stars. If you use Yellow Buses, get it. Simple.”
Thank you to everyone who has commented and reviewed so far, we really love reading your feedback.
If you haven’t downloaded the apps yet, you can find the iOS Move app here, and the Android Move app here.
And please, keep feeding back and reviewing!

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