

Information for every journey

Intuitive, accessible timetables for branded and regular routes that can be filtered by direction and time, with all stops or just timing points.

Timetables - product feature - up to date

Always up-to-date

Centralised management for total accuracy. Timetables are automatically generated from imported source TransXChange data into Passenger Cloud.

Timetables - product feature - usability

Flexible, accessible, usable

Filter to specific lines, days and journeys. Riders can choose between showing outbound/inbound and all or major stops on apps and websites.

Timetables - product feature - contextual disruptions

Contextual disruptions

Stop and line alerts are shown in line lists and can link to real time information. Users simply tap on a stop to get to the departure board.

Customisable experience

Users can move their favourite stops directly to the top of their line lists, as well as add and customise home screen widgets for faster navigation.

Start your journey with Passenger

If you want to learn more, request a demo or talk to someone who can help you take the next step forwards, just drop us a line.