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Mobile apps

6th Mar 2020

Making Passenger

Preparing for Dark Mode

How we restructured our theming functionality to allow us to bring dark mode to Passenger apps.

3rd Mar 2020

Product news

In-app verification changing student bus travel

Passenger’s new verifications provide a transformational customer experience, allowing the purchase of restricted tickets entirely through an operator’s app.

21st Feb 2020


Passenger launch new app for Thames Valley Buses

A new app has been launched as an addition to the existing Passenger website for Berkshire operators.

24th Oct 2019

Product news

New Dark Mode for Passenger apps

Passenger reveals a new app update for all Professional and Premium customers, to help users to feel safer using their smartphones in the dark.

Hand holding a phone directly in front, travelling on public transport

15th Oct 2019

Making Passenger

Building scale resilience into our m-ticketing servers

Switching our servers over to Amazon Web Service’s RDS has made Passenger’s mobile ticketing service more resilient to any potential outages.

24th Sep 2019

Product news

Migrating smoothly from an existing mobile app provider

This article shares our approach to onboarding a new operator into the Passenger ecosystem and how all active customers, and their tickets, are transitioned smoothly.

photo of phone displaying apps

17th Sep 2019

Product news

Passenger named UK top-rated public transport app provider

Passenger Transport magazine’s exposé of UK public transport apps reveals Passenger-powered apps are amongst the best available.

25th Jul 2019

Product news

Why rewarding customers is important

Digital products are constantly changing, yet the art of reciprocity always remains. How rewards improve customer retention and engagement ahead of the new Rewards feature for mobile apps.

7th Jun 2019

Product news

Borders Buses make tracking their buses “as easy as ordering pizza”

Passenger and Borders Buses deliver one of the key requests highlighted in the recent Transport Focus research “Making bus a better choice for young people”

27th Nov 2018

Product news

Passenger adds Google Pay to its suite of Android apps