
Discovering Fares

Help riders find out how much their journey will cost before catching the bus

Manage and preview your fares data before publishing, then make information about what ticket products can be purchased on the bus and as mobile tickets available to customers.

Plan a journey view showing fare options

Plan a journey and discover the fare options

Attract regular customers and non-users alike, as riders can find out how much their journey will cost and select the correct ticket from the app, and on the web, before catching the bus.

On-bus fares and mobile tickets

On-bus fares and mobile tickets

Making information about tickets that can be purchased on the bus and as mobile tickets available to customers. With mobile tickets available for purchase in app, riders can get travelling instantly.

On bus fares and mobile tickets

Tools to preview and publish

With tools available in Passenger Cloud for operators to import and preview fares data in NeTEx format, you can ensure that information is accurate before publishing. The tools support operators to be BODS compliant, by bringing the data to life. 

In February 2024, the Bus Centre of Excellence hosted a webinar showcasing Passenger’s new fares capability. Featuring the KPMG team working on the Bus Open Data Service, Warrington’s Own Buses, and Passenger, you can watch the webinar recording below.

A third of people seek information about bus fares before starting their journey, according to research by Transport Focus. Passenger’s fares capability directly addresses this demand by providing customers with details on tickets purchasable onboard from the driver or via mobile tickets accessible through smartphones. Mobile ticketing, known for its convenience, allows instant ticket acquisition for immediate travel.

Go Ahead Group, Brighton and Hove Buses, people on the bus, stock, 2023

This feature emphasises our commitment to enhance our customers’ journeys. We think it will get more people travelling by bus. After years of streamlining our data accessibility, it's good to see our efforts pay off, especially for prospective customers.

Kanwar Brar

Chief Digital and Information Officer

Go-Ahead Group

Start your journey with Passenger

If you want to learn more, request a demo or talk to someone who can help you take the next step forwards, just drop us a line.