The first and last-mile solution
Every bus journey includes travelling to and from stops. Promote bus travel as part of an active lifestyle and within a larger available transport network when you show bike, e-bike, scooter and docking bay locations on maps.

Encourage active travel
Show the live locations of bays and shared vehicles (such as bikes, e-bikes and e-scooters) to aid riders with first and last-mile journey planning.

Real time availability
Show the real time location and availability of vehicles or free spaces in bays, differentiating between bikes, e-bikes or scooters to help riders plan the next stage of their journeys.

Build local partnerships
Integrate your app with your local bike share provider and link riders to ways to book and pay for micromobility vehicles and schemes.
Latest Micromobility integration news

24th Apr 2023
Watford micromobility integration launched for Intalink
Increasing micromobility scheme awareness in Hertfordshire by cross-promoting real-time journey options to bus riders.

24th Mar 2023
E-bikes cross promoted to bus travellers by Plymouth Citybus
Following their launch in Plymouth this month, travellers can now see Beryl e-bike locations when planning their bus journeys with the Plymouth Citybus app and website.

14th Feb 2023
Micromobility integration with Beryl for Konectbus
Riders in Norwich can now see bike, e-bike and e-scooter locations when planning their bus journeys with the Konectbus app and website.

Start your journey with Passenger
If you want to learn more, request a demo or talk to someone who can help you take the next step forwards, just drop us a line.