Making Passenger podcast

Lifestyle is a commitment to a habit…

...and we need public transport to be the default habit.

15th May 2020

When 60% of a bus operators customers say they are ‘very satisfied’ with services, you know that the operator is doing something right – and that was the results for Blackpool Transport in the 2019 Transport Focus Bus Passenger Survey

James Carney is Finance & Commercial Director of Blackpool Transport, an operator that has seen amazing change and results over the last five years. Tom and Matt couldn’t wait to pin him down for an episode of the Making Passenger podcast, to find out how Blackpool is making buses the first choice for its residents and visitors.

James describes wisdom as ‘knowledge used beyond the context that you derived it from’ and took the time to explain to us that while there were factors that may have helped Blackpool in their response to the COVID lockdown, what was most important was that they stuck steadfastly to their core strategy. Keeping their customers and their highly-valued staff as a priority throughout.

As James himself explained “If you believe in your strategy, use the data and then make a decision. And don’t be deflected. Get on with it”.


Making Passenger is an ongoing conversation about how digital technology is shaping future mass transit mobility trends. We invite anyone who’s interested to get in touch on Twitter @makingpassenger or at [email protected]

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