
Bitesize Innovation Forums for 2021

Our new programme of online forums for learning, sharing and shaping updates to the Passenger Premium product roadmap.

2nd Mar 2021

People interacting with a laptop

Along with many other things we missed out on last year, Covid meant we had to put our Innovation Days on hold. Since 2017, these events have been instrumental in sharing ideas and shaping plans to evolve our products. We’ve missed seeing our customers and the insight created from the conversations that happen when we are all together in the same place.

From May 2021, we’ll be taking our Innovation Day format online and adapting it to fit into the working day. As virtual events they’ll be shorter, but more frequent – monthly instead of twice a year – allowing staff from operators teams to attend topic-focused sessions. Each forum will be a maximum of 2 hours long, with a focus on one of 3 key areas; Marketing, Commercial/Retail and Data/Networks. By bringing together the operator staff working in each area, we’re aiming to facilitate in-depth discussion around these areas of the Premium product.

Passenger CEO Tom Quay says “We’ve all had to adjust a great deal over the last 12 months. This time last year, we had no idea of the scale of what was just around the corner. But as we begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel, we want to bring everyone together to help us plan the road ahead.”

Customer input is critical to shaping the Premium apps, websites and Passenger Cloud, so keeping the forums as intimate as possible is key, allowing discussion to flow easily in both directions. With this in mind, we’re inviting up to 2 attendees per operator to each event.

Just like the Innovation Days, the online Innovation Forums will include a mixture of short presentations, workshops and updates on the Passenger product roadmap, where we’ll be open to input and ideas from attendees.

As Passenger grows and the world around us changes, we will continue to evolve but will always remain focused on our mission – to make shared public transport the first choice.

If you have any questions about the Innovation Forum programme or how we plan to deliver the sessions, please get in touch.

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