Making Passenger

Re:develop is taking a year off

7th Feb 2017

Originally posted on our ‘Base’ Medium account.
In September 2019, Base became Passenger.

We’ve run re:develop for three years now, and every year has been an exciting and rewarding experience. We’ve run inclusive, friendly conferences full of great content that we’re proud to have been a part of.

Re:develop 2014

For 2017, re:develop is taking a year off. As anyone who has put on a conference knows, they don’t happen overnight. Events like re:develop take hours and hours of work to pull off successfully, and as a non-profit event it takes dedication to make sure that sponsors are involved and helping to deliver the level of experience you lovely folk expect from a technology conference.

As the product development part of our business has taken off at Base (…incidentally, it started gaining a lot of traction around the time we staged re:develop 2016…), we want to make sure we give it the best chance to succeed. If you build technology products you’ll know it takes everything you’ve got, and spinning too many plates just wouldn’t allow us to focus.

Several of our client partner projects and products, notably our transport application Passenger, have a real crack at being disruptive in their respective markets. To ensure that happens the whole team need to have the headspace to create opportunities and then seize them.

Like everything we produce, there’s something in us that makes us want to make it the best we can. Re:develop is a product that gets a major update every year, so in a sense we’re going to skip a release, and come back with something epic in 2018. You never know, we may even have some agile / product / lean tales to tell of our own.

Thank you for your support over the last few years. We are looking forward to returning again renewed and refreshed in 2018, with an event that you’ll love and that continues to contribute to Bournemouth’s reputation for digital technology.

In our absence, there will be plenty to keep you entertained and informed this year from the excellent community of event-makers we have here on the South Coast, including a few exciting tech-focused events yet to be announced.

Jon, Tom, Emma and the re:develop team

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